5 Important Questions to Ask Your Car Accident Doctor

Jun 22, 2022

Important Questions to Ask Your Car Accident DoctorDid you know that millions of Americans get into car accidents each year? That means you or someone you know has likely been in a car accident recently. While some accidents can leave you with little or no damage to the vehicle, other accidents can result in injuries. Even though car accidents are so common, people tend to skip going to the doctor after the accident or make the mistake of not telling their car accident doctor the full story of what happened. If you delay going to the doctor after an accident, you risk developing complications from an untreated injury. The longer you wait to see the doctor, the longer your recovery can take. Similarly, the more information you give your doctor about your medical history and what occurred during the accident, the better they can assist you in a speedy recovery from your injuries.

Always go to the hospital or doctor’s office if you get injured in a car accident. Even if you only experience mild discomforts like a few aches and pains or a headache after the accident, you still want to see a car accident doctor who can rule out more serious injuries. In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, you might experience shock from the traumatic event. A car accident can trigger adrenaline to start pumping through your body, which can mask pain and other symptoms of a serious injury. When dealing with the other driver, the police, insurance companies, and tow trucks, the whole experience can quickly become overwhelming. It may take time for you to fully recognize that you have indeed been injured. Thankfully, car accident doctors know what to look for in crash victims and can recognize signs and symptoms of many injuries even if you don’t right away.

What to Tell Your Car Accident Doctor

It is so important to share as much information as possible with your car accident doctor so they can determine the best course of action! Remember that your doctor is here to take care of you and your injuries, and it does not matter whether or not you were at fault for the accident. Car accident doctors treat drivers, passengers, and people of all ages who have been in an accident. The more information your doctor has about you, the better they can determine a thorough and accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Here are four things to tell your car accident doctor about.

Your medical history

You might not think your medical history has a lot to do with a recent injury, but it certainly can! For example, a recent surgery might put you at greater risk for certain complications from car accident injuries. Your medical history provides your doctor with a better understanding of your overall health and well-being. Let your doctor know what medications you regularly take so they can ensure you do not have any negative reactions to any prescriptions or recommendations while you heal. Your medical history, along with your family medical history, can both be invaluable, especially in the event of an emergency.

How the car accident occurred

Remembering details about the accident might be tricky for you. The whole experience can feel like a blur, and you might realize that feeling overwhelmed or going into shock prevented you from making note of important details. However, it helps to let your doctor know as much about the accident as you can remember. Where were you in the vehicle? How were you sitting? Were you wearing your seatbelt? None of these questions involve any judgments, but instead help your doctor learn more about what possible effects the accident may have had on your physical health. Sometimes, a car accident that occurs at a high rate of speed can put you at greater risk for serious injuries. Other times, even what seemed like a minor accident could lead to an internal injury with delayed symptoms.

How you felt immediately after the wreck

You might not even feel the effects of any injuries right away, so you want to let your doctor know what you started noticing and when. Make a note of any symptoms you experience, the severity or intensity, and how long the symptoms last. Do you keep rubbing your shoulder because it feels uncomfortable, but you aren’t sure why? Do you have a headache that makes you more sensitive to sounds and lights around you? In the hustle and bustle after an accident, take time to pause and assess yourself for any potential injuries you can easily recognize. Keep an eye on any red spots, scrapes, or bruising after a car accident. All of this information can help your car accident doctor determine how the wreck has impacted you.

What symptoms you started noticing later

Delayed symptoms of car accident injuries are common because of shock and trauma that affect your thinking and memory. It can also take a while for pain and discomfort to set in, especially with soft tissue injuries. For example, you might wake up the next day after the accident and realize you have a hard time turning your head from side to side. Pain and stiffness in your neck are common signs of a whiplash injury. These symptoms do not always appear seconds or minutes after an accident because it takes time for the pain to set in and the body’s inflammatory response to begin.

What to Ask Your Car Accident Doctor

What to Ask Your Car Accident DoctorA conversation with your doctor doesn’t have to be a one-way street! In fact, it is okay to ask your doctor questions, too. Here are 5 important questions to ask your car accident doctor.

What kind of injuries do I have?

You might want to know exactly what kind of injuries you are dealing with after a car accident. Your doctor may need to run tests or use diagnostic imaging tools like X-rays or CT scans to determine an exact diagnosis for your injuries. Your car accident doctor will talk to you about your specific injuries and what you can expect over the coming days, weeks, and months. If you need more details or need the doctor to repeat the information, that’s okay! You want a car accident doctor who will be as specific as possible, so you have all the information you need. Doctors also tend to use medical terms that you may not be familiar with. Your doctor may say you suffered an arm fracture, which you might call a broken bone. If you suffered a spinal injury, you want to know which vertebrae are affected. You can also ask your doctor whether they consider your injuries minor, moderate, or severe.

What treatments will I need?

Once you understand your injuries better, you will learn more about your treatment options. Ask your car accident doctor about what treatments you will need to help you recover from your injuries. Every person will have a unique reaction to an injury, and certain treatments work better for some than others. Your car accident doctor will help determine the most successful treatment approaches for you. Additionally, it helps to better understand what kinds of treatments will be involved. Will you need to see a doctor or specialist once a month or multiple times a week? Will you have to wear a cast or brace? Will your injuries and treatment plans prevent you from participating in certain activities or going to work? Your car accident doctor will talk to you about what to expect with treatment, including how frequently you may need to return for follow-up care and what type of doctor you will need to see.

Do I need to see a specialist?

If you go to the emergency room after a car accident, they will likely treat any immediate injuries or issues and refer you to another doctor for continued care. Car accident doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating these kinds of injuries. You may see an orthopedic doctor specializing in car accident injuries because of a broken wrist. That doctor may recommend physical therapy as part of your treatment plan to help you regain strength and mobility in your wrist. All kinds of doctors can specialize in car accident injuries, including orthopedists, physical therapists, chiropractors, and neurologists.

When will I start feeling better?

Another common question that will likely be on your mind is how quickly you will start to feel better. Some car accident injuries can heal in a few days, while others may require more long-term treatment and intervention. Your car accident doctor will discuss how your injuries may impact your ability to go about your routines and regular activities. The long-term outlook for your injuries should include the effects on your physical and mental health. In some cases, a car accident injury may never fully heal, and your doctor will talk to you about what you can expect in the weeks and months ahead.

How long will my recovery take?

Your car accident doctor may recommend you stay out of school or work for a certain time while recovering from your injuries. You may need to work with your insurance company to determine how you might receive any compensation for lost wages during that time. Your doctor can help determine what limitations you may have after you return to school or work. These limitations may be temporary or have a longer-lasting impact. Your car accident doctor will estimate the length of treatment, which may include a certain period of time when you work with a physical therapist to heal. The timeline may need to be adjusted slightly to account for your body’s response to treatment.

What to Expect at the Car Accident Clinic

One of the most important steps to take after a car crash is going to the doctor, even if you don’t have any obvious injuries or symptoms. Visit a car accident clinic after a wreck to receive comprehensive care for your specific circumstances. Car accident doctors treat a wide range of injuries daily and will know the best treatment options available for you. Here’s what you can expect when you visit a car accident doctor.

Diagnosing Car Accident Injuries

Car accident doctors have the knowledge and expertise to diagnose all kinds of car accident injuries. Because these doctors spend so much time around patients who have been injured in wrecks, car accident doctors can recognize the signs and symptoms of common car accident injuries. Your car accident doctor will likely also request diagnostic imaging tools like an X-ray or CT scan to better look at your injuries or to rule out other potential injuries.

Personalized Treatment Plans

When you visit AICA Orthopedics’ car accident clinic, you will receive a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific symptoms and injuries. Our car accident doctors will use state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and our many years of experience with car accident injuries to develop a treatment plan that works for you. Avoid doctors who use a one-size-fits-all approach to treating your injuries, no matter how common they may be.

Rehabilitation & Injury Prevention

A car accident doctor will also work with you through rehabilitation and help you prevent future injuries. A car accident injury may leave you with weakened muscles or reduce your range of motion. Your car accident doctor will help you regain your strength and develop more stability and stamina, so you are stronger than before the accident. Work with your doctor to learn how to prevent injuries from occurring in the future.

Visit AICA Orthopedics for an Atlanta car accident clinic near you and get started with our expert team of car accident doctors today. We offer in-house diagnostic imaging so you can get any important and necessary scans and then meet with your doctor all in one convenient location.


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