The Relationship Between Nutrition and Bone Mass for Women

Sep 26, 2016

For many women throughout Atlanta, the concept of bone mass and the development of osteoporosis are serious health issues that need to be addressed through preventative care.

A significant amount of women begin to lose bone mass in their mid to late 30’s. This trend tends to lead to the development of osteoporosis by the time they reach menopause.

Although maintaining a healthy diet that consists of essential nutrients is critical for preventing and reversing the effects of bone loss, there are other considerations women must address in order to completely protect and preserve their health.

A significant portion of American women maintain a particular diet that consists of processed foods and refined sugars. These types of substances work against the body and prevent it from being able to properly absorb necessary nutrients like calcium.

In order to prevent osteoporosis, women should consider the following dietary recommendations to ensure that their bones remain healthy and strong for the long-haul.

Preventing Osteoporosis For Women

Protein, Vitamin D and Calcium

Bones are mostly made up of calcium, phosphate, and protein.

Of these three nutrients, protein serves as the most essential for healing, maintaining, and growing the skeletal system throughout each individual’s lifetime.

Because of this, it is extremely important that women consume enough protein in order to support their body’s ability to absorb nutrients that support a healthy bone structure.

In order to consume enough lean protein, it is recommended to look for fish, eggs, poultry, and beans when shopping for groceries.

Vitamin D and calcium are also necessary for building strong, healthy bones and taking some type of supplement is not effective by itself when it comes to preventing osteoporosis.

It is also important to note that vitamin D must be present in order to properly transfer calcium from the stomach into the blood system.

Vitamin D can be found in dairy, eggs, fish, or by being exposed to the sun for 15 minutes.

Foods that are rich with calcium include dark green vegetables like collards, kale, spinach, and brussel sprouts.


Another key nutrient for maintaining healthy bones is magnesium. This particular substance is necessary for supporting ideal calcium levels throughout the body.

Magnesium is also critical for converting vitamin D into its active state so that it can activate the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Outside of this, magnesium helps stimulate a particular hormone called calcitonin, which helps your body preserve its bone structure and lowers the risk of osteoporosis, arthritis, and heart attacks.

Foods such as bananas, nuts, seeds, beans, and figs are all great sources of magnesium.

Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids found in fish, flax seed oil, and walnuts help improve the body’s ability to absorb calcium, as well as support healthy membranes, cartilage, and bone structure.

Fatty acids enhance the effects of vitamin D, which supports smooth, healthy skin, hair, and  reduces painful symptoms associated with PMS.

AICA Atlanta Is Here To Help In The Fight Against Osteoporosis

The dietary recommendations provided above are just a few of the types of nutrients that women need in order to prevent osteoporosis from setting in over time.

Consuming these types of foods is not helpful if your body is unable to properly absorb and digest nutrients that are necessary for maintaining and supporting healthy, strong bones.

If you are a female in your mid 30’s living near Atlanta and are concerned over whether you are getting everything you need in order to prevent osteoporosis or arthritis, you can schedule a consultation today.

Our Atlanta location is available 24/7 to schedule an appointment and/or to answer any initial questions you may have.

Simply fill out our online submission form or call us today at (404) 889-8828.


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