Health Benefits and The Effectiveness of Chiropractic Treatment

Nov 19, 2015

You might believe that Chiropractors only focus on relieving neck and back pain, but did you know that their services also provide a world of alternative health benefits?

Whether you’ve been battling high blood pressure for years, despite being placed on a variety of prescription pills, or you suffer from Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, visiting an Atlanta Chiropractor for regular adjustments can create a healthier version of yourself by reducing adverse effects that stress and age place on your body.

Effectiveness of Chiropractic Treatment

While research is continually performed throughout the Chiropractic community, substantial evidence does exist that demonstrates the value and effectiveness of the discipline’s associated services.

According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, research shows that spinal adjustments and other forms of manipulative therapy performed by a Chiropractic are more useful for relieving pain and maintaining long-term health, than traditional medication.

Adding to this, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that when Chiropractic treatment is integrated into general health care programs in hospitals and medical offices, there is a 52% reduction in pharmaceutical costs and 43% fewer return visits.

If you are suffering from some physical ailment or are interested in addressing ongoing pain through natural and holistic forms of treatment, then consider scheduling a visit with a Chiropractor in Atlanta.

While the benefits certainly support alleviating patients from common forms of neck and back pain, there are other areas of your health that are positively affected by Chiropractic support.

Take a look at the following list of alternative health benefits associated with regular visitation and adjustments.

Chiropractic Helps Improve Bladder Performance

For senior citizens who suffer from bladder conditions, techniques like lumbar and sacrum alignments are used for removing any interferences within the nerves connected to their bladder.

Chiropractic restoration services that provide proper alignment of your nerve function usually relieves all symptoms and associated pain.

Chiropractic Helps Support Carpel Tunnel Syndrom

Controlled adjustments focused on the appropriate cervical vertebra are proven to catalyze results dedicated to the recovery process.

Adjustments release pressure off of your nerve roots bilaterally, which keeps excessive pressure down and allows you to heal faster, without having to expose yourself to invasive surgery.

If your cervical spine adjustments do not completely relieve you of your pain, your Chiropractor will reexamine your shoulders, neck, ulna, radius, and carpal bones for signs that suggest further misalignments throughout your upper body.

Chiropractic Helps Treat Frozen Shoulder

In a clinical study performed in 2014 that focused on how well patients suffering from frozen shoulder reacted to Chiropractic treatment, 90 percent of the participants experienced significant growth, without having to use prescription drugs or invasive surgery.

Chiropractic Treats Scoliosis

Muscular rehabilitation techniques that are supported with Chiropractor adjustments can help prevent Scoliosis from developing, as well as help relieves symptoms for already existing cases.

Chiropractic Helps Lower Blood Pressure

The value of one upper cervical chiropractic adjustment is just as powerful and beneficial as two blood-pressure-lowering drugs. More incredible is the fact that the benefits associated with adjustments can last up to six months longer than those related to prescription drugs.


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