The Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments for Pregnant Women and Children

Sep 20, 2016

Many people throughout the greater Atlanta community are unaware of the fact that Chiropractic Adjustments are highly beneficial for pregnant women, children, and babies.

It is common for women to experience faster and more comfortable deliveries if they receive spinal adjustments before, during and after their pregnancy.

Chiropractic Adjustments Support Pregnancy

Pregnant women are much more inclined to have back pain than women who are not carrying a child, mainly due to the additional weight and spinal pressure caused by the growing fetus.

For each stage of the pregnancy, the table and adjusting methods are modified to suit the patient. A vertebral subluxation complex can be related to the many uncomfortable symptoms of labor and pregnancy.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Babies

An important part of creating the healthiest foundation possible for developing babies is receiving regular prenatal Chiropractic checkups.

When the mother-to-be receives Chiropractic treatment during pregnancy, the child benefits from it before he or she is born.

A few of the benefits of Chiropractic treatment during pregnancy are:

  • Joints restore their natural position and mobility
  • Normal nerve energy has not interfered with, which is important for the healthy development of the mother and baby
  • Pelvic bones are properly aligned, which allows for a quicker and easier delivery
  • Pressure is relieved and the vertebrae is aligned correctly

Many problems that occur during pregnancy are related to the woman’s spinal health.

The type of issues that arise with newborns, such as allergic reactions, breathing problems, unexplained crying, and colic are traced back to an impairment of the nervous system.

The ability to support the head independently, crawling, and a baby’s first steps are activities that involve the use of the neck muscles. A Chiropractic Examination is a prudent idea because, if neglected for too long, the little falls and head bumps that are bound to occur during baby’s first year can cause spinal issues later on.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Children

Some of the most common childhood disorders can indicate problems with the spine. Simple things like constant earaches, bedwetting, growing pains, and sore throats are just a few reasons that children may benefit from seeing a Chiropractor. A few signs to look out for in children that may have spinal problems are:

  • Disturbances in sleep pattern
  • Difficulties with feeding infants

As with women who are pregnant, the tables and adjustments are modified to fit the child’s height and weight.

The Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta are very experienced at providing adjustments to patients of all different sizes and shapes.


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