Category Archives: Health and Wellness

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Jul 17, 2017

Why Ongoing Chiropractic Care Is Your Best Chance For Positive Long-Term Health

"If I start to receive Chiropractic Treatment, I'll need it the rest of my life." This is a common thought among Atlanta's residents who have never received Chiropractic care before, and it's not true. Although our Atlanta Chiropractors are more than happy to help patients overcome their pain through various…

Chiropractic, General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Jul 24, 2017

Atlanta Walk-In Chiropractic Clinics For Pain Relief

Living a pain-free life starts with your first appointment at AICA Atlanta's walk-in Chiropractic Clinic. Our staff of medical specialists and Chiropractors will review, diagnose and treat your condition - allowing you to experience immediate pain relief. Although we do prioritize patient appointments, our Atlanta Chiropractors welcome same-day examinations and…

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Aug 21, 2017

Complete Wellness For Atlanta’s Chiropractic Patients

Chiropractic Adjustments are helpful for relieving painful symptoms associated with common car accident injuries. They are also perfect for maintaining a balanced system and improving your overall health. The nervous system is the one part of the body that directly influences every other system since nerves transfer information throughout the…

Accident Prevention, General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Sep 18, 2017

Three Ways Your Children Benefit From Regular Chiropractic Treatment

What's the right age to begin Chiropractic Treatment? As soon as you are born! From babies to young adults, children of all ages can experience significant health benefits from ongoing Chiropractic Treatment - giving them the support they need to maintain a balanced, healthy system. Although there are plenty of…

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Nov 1, 2017

How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help You Survive Cold and Flu Season

Now that the weather has changed, the cold and flu season is among us. Nobody wants the headaches, chills, fever or body aches that come with the illnesses, so plenty of you are doing what you can to avoid them.

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Nov 13, 2017

Maximizing The Health Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment

Back pain is almost as inevitable as death and taxes. In fact, The Good Body found that 80 percent of all Americans will, at some point of their lives, experience a degree of back pain. The reported cases of lower back pain is ever-increasing, with a study showing an increase…

Chronic Pain, Health and Wellness | Nov 22, 2017

Atlanta Chiropractic Treatment For Hip, Knee, and Ankle Pain

Many of the patients who seek treatment from our Atlanta Chiropractors suffer from pain in their lower extremities, which refers to the area between your hips and ankles. These kinds of conditions affect over six million people throughout the United States and can be treated without the use of surgery…

Health and Wellness | Dec 8, 2017

Forget Stress, Focus On Your Health This Winter Holiday Season

The joy that comes from spending time with family members and loved ones on Christmas morning is unlike anything else. Watching the faces of those around you as they open up their presents makes the stress of holiday gift shopping worth it. However, all of the gift shopping, carrying bulky or…

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Dec 11, 2017

3 Reasons To Visit AICA Atlanta During The Winter Holidays

With everyone that goes on during the winter holidays, it's easy to lose focus on what's important like taking care of your health. Putting friends and family members ahead of you during this time of the year can be emotionally fulfilling but also cause significant stress and negatively affect your…

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Dec 13, 2017

3 More Reasons To Visit Our Atlanta Chiropractors This Holiday Season

We recently discussed three reasons why visiting AICA Atlanta during the winter holiday season is useful for reducing stress, relieving anxiety, and avoiding the cold or flu. Today, our Atlanta Chiropractors are highlighting three additional health benefits associated with our services and why they are especially helpful during this time…

Health and Wellness | Dec 20, 2017

Setting Personal Health Goals For 2018

It's important to take proactive measures when it comes to ensuring your long-term health. Staying healthy is not something that occurs without constant support through preventative treatment, regular exercise, and a well-balanced diet. As the New Year approaches, why not make your health a priority? With the help of our…

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Dec 22, 2017

Consider Chiropractic Care Instead of A Flu Shot

Between October and February, many primary physicians recommend the flu vaccine to their patients to avoid getting sick. Although thousands of individuals elect to follow through with this particular resource, other people question the safety and effectiveness of these shots. If you are interested in maintaining positive health this winter…

Health and Wellness | Dec 25, 2017

Stay Healthy When Traveling This Winter Holiday Season

AAA believes that close to one-third of all citizens will travel more than 50 miles during the winter holiday season. This roughly equates to 90 million individuals and families. Whether you're using a personal vehicle, traveling by train, or flying to your destination, try to keep the following advice in…

Health and Wellness | Jan 1, 2018

2018 New Year Health Tips

The new year sees thousands of individuals and families throughout Atlanta committing to improving their health. However, it can be difficult to maintain such goals considering personal and professional obligations. The health and wellness experts at AICA Atlanta recommend taking the time to research ways that you can improve your…

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Jan 22, 2018

Chiropractic Treatment Can Help Cure Digestive Problems

Digestive problems can create a series of complications that affect how you feel and perform throughout the day. Luckily, there are plenty of viable treatment solutions that exist. At AICA Atlanta, our Chiropractors can help patients address digestive disorders without exposing them to potential adverse side effects.

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Feb 16, 2018

Vertigo Treatment

Vertigo is a serious condition that has the power to prevent you from performing basic tasks and actions like standing up. In the United States, approximately 35 percent or 69 million Americans who are 40 years or older experience some type of vestibular dysfunction like vertigo. If you suffer from…

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Feb 26, 2018

Chiropractic Health Tips For Runners and Their Safety

Running is an excellent way to create and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Whether you're new to running or a long-time enthusiast, it's important to take proactive steps that protect your body from the impact and stress that comes with it. Before heading out for a brief jog or a…

Health and Wellness | Mar 5, 2018

Tips For Staying Healthy This Spring

Spring is right around the corner and it's time to focus on making the most of the warm weather that's soon to come. Just as the environment throughout Atlanta is recovering from the winter, your body also needs to recuperate, especially if you haven't strayed far from your home over the…

General Chiropractic, Health and Wellness | Mar 14, 2018

Health Tips For Spring 2018

Spring 2018 is right around the corner and serves as the perfect time to reevaluate your health and wellness goals! "Spring" into action with the following health recommendations provided by our team of experienced Atlanta Chiropractors to make the most out of the upcoming spring season.

Health and Wellness | Mar 16, 2018

Atlanta Chiropractors Treat Depression

Millions of people throughout the United States suffer from various mental health issues including depression. The associated symptoms connected to depression vary from each individual, as well as the source or trigger. Individuals and families who are familiar with this condition understand how frustrating it can be to properly diagnose…

Health and Wellness | Mar 19, 2018

Make The Most Of Spring Break 2018

Our Atlanta Chiropractors understand that thousands of college students throughout the greater region are currently enjoying their time away from school, while on spring break vacation. For students to make the most of their school break, it's important to set a balance between having fun and protecting your health. That's…

Health and Wellness | Mar 23, 2018

Great and Simple Health Tips For Office Workers

People spend more time sitting down these days than every before. Whether at work or within the home, the average person spends 8.2 hours per day sitting down according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Unfortunately, those who lead sedentary lifestyles are vulnerable to chronic disease and other long-term health…

Health and Wellness | May 21, 2018

Help Your Children Sleep Easier At Night

Medical experts throughout the United States agree that getting plenty of sleep each night is essential for children when it comes to their mental and physical development. It’s important for children to receive a consistent amount of rest to stay focused, cope with the pressures of their environment, and maximize…

Health and Wellness | Jun 1, 2018

Chiropractic Treatment For Asthma

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 1 in 13 people suffer from asthma. For children, asthma serves as the leading chronic disease and is the primary cause of school absences. Across the United States, more than 2 million people are forced to go to the emergency…

What You Should Know About Muscle Relaxants

Health and Wellness | Jun 11, 2018

What You Should Know About Muscle Relaxants

Many people who visit a doctor for back or neck pain may get prescribed muscle relaxers for relief. These muscle relaxer pills are commonly used to ease painful muscle spasms or cramps on a temporary basis. If you have recently experienced a car accident injury or suffer from chronic pain,…

Health and Wellness | Aug 13, 2018

Make The Decision To Stay Away From Sugar This Summer

Found in processed foods, sugar is an increasingly common ingredient. Surprisingly, many of us consume the equivalent of 53 teaspoons of white sugar daily! Many experts concur that lowering your sugar intake is vital for maintaining your health and well being.

Health and Wellness | Feb 22, 2019

Allow Yourself To Decompress To Maximize Personal Health

Today’s society is centered on the newest and most efficient technology that is designed to make our busy lives easier, but yet it seems this technology is only creating more work for us. How can we have all these tools that optimize our productivity and organize our lives and still…

Health and Wellness | Feb 25, 2019

Yoga May Be The Answer To Improving Personal Health; Here’s Why

If you are looking for a way to relax and loosen up tight muscles while building strength, yoga is the way to go. Yoga is a great way to help alleviate that lower back pain that can make daily activities difficult. Although yoga is a safe way to reduce tension…

Health and Wellness | Mar 8, 2019

Lose Weight, Feel Better, and Increase Your Energy Through Exercise

Are you looking for a way to lose weight, improve your mood and increase your energy? Exercise is your answer!

Health and Wellness | Mar 11, 2019

Get Up and Exercise: How Office Employees Can Improve Personal Health

Many Americans spend most of their day at work sitting in a chair and this posture is having adverse effects on the body. Sitting for long periods of time can cause pain in your back and placing pressure on muscles and the discs in your back.

Health and Wellness | Apr 1, 2019

The Ultimate Diet Plan To Avoid Heart Disease

The saying goes something like, “ Spice up your life”, and it’s true because spices aren’t just a way to add some flavor to your favorite dishes or drinks; they pose some seriously good heart health benefits. People have been using plants, herbs and spices for thousands of years for…

Health and Wellness | Apr 3, 2019

Is My Child Sleeping Too Much?

If you are a parent of a teen or even a pre-teen, you know that every morning, the wakeup call is going to be a battle. No matter what tricks you try it always seems to be a never ending battle of yelling “wake up” what feels like 100 times!…

Health and Wellness | Apr 5, 2019

Foods That Were Supposed To Be Healthy For You

Unfortunately, there are many foods that were always said to be good for you, but we have to break some bad news to you about them. However, we will share with you all the great foods you can substitute in for them!

Health and Wellness | Apr 12, 2019

Walking With A Cane

There are many devices that can aid a person to increase their mobility and a cane is one of the easiest and most lightweight devices to assist someone with walking. A cane can even be customized to a person’s own liking as they may choose colors and styles that best…

Health and Wellness | May 20, 2019

How Chiropractors Combat Stress

Stress is something that affects many different walks of life and although stress levels have decreased in recent years, individuals still have trouble with money, family or even their jobs. High stress levels can lead to serious health problems if not addressed and treated.

Health and Wellness | Jun 5, 2019

Save The Skin!

If you are like many Americans, you spend some portion of your day checking out social media and through your scrolling you may notice things like “National Friend Day,” or “National Coffee Day.”

Health and Wellness | Jun 21, 2019

Enjoy More Tomorrows By Taking Care Of Yourself Today

It seems like every time you turn around it’s National this day or National that day but this one is important! June is National Men’s Health Day and for all the men out there, it’s time to take notice of a few things in regards to your health! Don’t worry,…

Health and Wellness | Jun 24, 2019

Dehydration: What Causes It and Who’s at Risk

You begin hiking up a mountain, never thinking about the amount of rain that could soak you from head to toe. That makes perfect sense, especially on a sunny day, but the level of water you soak up inside your body is even more important -- and the conditions you…

Health and Wellness | Jul 12, 2019

Chiropractic Care and Yoga – Two of A Kind

Chiropractic care is a holistic, natural approach to healing, much like yoga and share many things in common. When under chiropractic care, the ultimate goal is to improve how your spine communicates with the rest of the body and yoga much like chiropractic care is designed to strengthen and develop…

Health and Wellness | Jul 15, 2019

Taking A Closer Look At The Brain and Your Dreams

Chiropractic care is often thought about as only a means to treat back pain but when many do not know is that chiropractic care exceeds far beyond that as its central focus is the central nervous system. By focusing on the central nervous system and correcting dysfunctions there, the overall…

Health and Wellness | Jul 22, 2019

Disconcerting Health Ailments in Many Adults

A slipped disc is a common back injury that many adults endure. Chiropractors who specialize in the spine, can help to correct this injury among other conditions that affect many adults. The spinal column can be thought of much like a tower with the top as the control panel or…

Health and Wellness | Aug 5, 2019

The Benefits of Stress

Some forms of stress can be good for your body as the body was designed to develop responses to help with survival. So, even though you may be under a little stress, just know your body is adapting and learning to handle what is going on outside the body and…

Health and Wellness | Aug 7, 2019

How to Avoid A Mid-Day Slump

As the day goes on and you hit that point in the afternoon right before lunch where you don’t think you can make it another minute, what makes you keep going? How do you keep going? However the most important question is: why this slump occurs and how can you…

Health and Wellness | Aug 9, 2019

Staying Fit When Managing A Hectic Schedule

In our society every time you turn around there is a new fitness regime that seems like everyone is trying. What happens when you try them all and nothing seems to work or you can’t find the time so the excuses start to pile in and the next thing you…

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