Great and Simple Health Tips For Office Workers

Mar 23, 2018

People spend more time sitting down these days than every before. Whether at work or within the home, the average person spends 8.2 hours per day sitting down according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Unfortunately, those who lead sedentary lifestyles are vulnerable to chronic disease and other long-term health implications such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Healthy Tips For Office Workers

The following information highlights how to reduce the health risks associated with sitting for long periods. These tips are meant to complement the value of regular chiropractic adjustments, which help maintain a healthy system that’s free of subluxations.

Take Deep Breaths Throughout The Day

Just because you have to breathe, doesn’t mean that you are doing it in an optimal manner. Believe it or not, there is a particular approach to breathing that most people aren’t aware of. Understanding how to breath correctly offers a variety of positive health benefits including improved immune response, less stress, and less anxiety.

To practice healthy breathing, make sure to sit up straight and keep your shoulders inline with your ears. Maintain a firm, comfortable position and breath in through your nose until your stomach is full of air. Hold the air in for a moment or two before slowly letting it out through your mouth. Pause for another second before repeating each step again.

Stretch Out

Sitting for long periods has a negative impact on your musculoskeletal system and can be traumatic to your body. Maintaining poor posture can diminish the overall performance of your organs and glands over time, as well as reduce your flexibility. Office workers can avoid these concerns by stretching at various points throughout the workday.

For five to ten minutes each hour, try to sit up straight and position your shoulders so that they are pointing behind your back and downward toward the ground. Stretch both arms out to the opposite site and extend around your back so that your chest is now pointing toward the ceiling. Hold this position for 30 to 40 seconds before releasing.

Walk More

Walking is one of the easiest ways to maintain a healthy system regardless of the environment you work within. Try to walk for at least ten minutes every few hours to shrug off the stress and pressure that accumulates when sitting down. Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator when possible and invite your fellow colleagues to join you to ensure that walking becomes a part of your daily routine.

Schedule A Free Consultation For More Information

Although you can’t change your work environment or the demands of your position, you can control how much exercise you perform each day. Let these tips help you become a healthier version of yourself and the next time you’re visiting AICA, be sure to ask one of our Atlanta chiropractors what else you can do to maximize your long-term health. If you have never visited our clinic before, dial (404) 889-8828 to schedule a free consultation to learn more about our approach to health and wellness.


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