Chiropractic Care for Diabetic Patients Near Atlanta

Nov 8, 2016

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta are continuing to spread this great message!

Diabetes is a serious health condition that affects over 100 million Americans.

Most patients develop a particular type of diabetes in their childhood (referred to as juvenile diabetes) or as an adult (type 2 diabetes).

Those who have diabetes are forced to maintain strict lifestyles dedicated to their diet, as well other personal choices such as smoking and alcohol intake.

Those who are unable to manage their diabetes face the risk of experiencing effectively:

  • Blindness
  • Poor circulation
  • Excessive weight gain
  • Significant weight loss
  • Strokes
  • Heart attacks

Treating Diabetes

According to a study conducted in 2012, one out of three men who were born in the year 2000 suffers from diabetes, while approximately 25% of women in the U.S. suffer from this condition.

Existing treatment options depend on what type of diabetes each patient suffers from.

For those who manage type 1 diabetes, daily insulin injections are required. It is possible for type 2 diabetes patients to manage their condition on their own by maintaining a particular health regiment, although most are forced to rely on prescription medications.

Chiropractic Care For Treating and Managing Diabetes

Instead of stressing over insulin injections and dealing with the side effects that are associated with diabetic medications, try Chiropractic care.

Regular adjustments and other Chiropractic techniques are proven to be useful for stabilizing glucose levels for all diabetic patients, regardless of whether they have juvenile or type 2 diabetes.

How Does Chiropractic Treatment Help Atlanta’s Diabetic Patients?

Nerve signals can transfer to your brain and other vital organs throughout your body because of your upper neck and spine.

When these signals are not able to move correctly due to some interference, your pancreas, glucose levels, and digestive system are unable to perform properly.

When this happens, vital organs such as your pancreas begin to break down, causing a domino effect on the rest of your internal systems and organs.

And, when your glucose levels and digestive system are not functioning correctly, that’s when you run the risk of developing diabetes or hypoglycemia.

Available Chiropractic Treatment Solutions for Diabetics in Atlanta

If you have diabetes and are already dedicated to a particular health regimen ordered by your primary physician, it’s important to know that Chiropractic care serves as a means for complementing your routine.

For people with diabetes living in Atlanta, there are a range of Chiropractic treatment options to discover, including:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Diet adjustments
  • Controlled exercises
  • Physical therapy

You can learn more about these options and other Chiropractic treatment solutions by scheduling a consultation with our Atlanta office.

We can answer any questions you may have, while also discussing our vast experience helping diabetic patients over the last 20 years.

You can schedule an immediate appointment 24/7 by filling out our online submission form or by calling us at (404) 889-8828.


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