How Cervical Care Helps Treat Chronic Back Pain

Jan 6, 2017

It may be difficult to imagine, but the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta treat many patients who experience lower back pain that often originates in the upper neck.

How is this possible? Well, to begin, it is essential to understand how closely linked the whole body is.

Sometimes the area that is experiencing pain or irritation is not actually the area the pain originates from.

This is true of lower back pain.

Atlanta Chiropractic & Back Pain

If a misalignment of the upper neck vertebrae, the cervical spine, is identified, it often has an impact on the whole spine and, in particular, the lower back.

A misalignment of the axis or atlas bone, the two top bones in the vertebrae, causes tissue, muscles, and bones to shift.

A misalignment as small as ¼ of a millimeter can cause the head to become unevenly balanced on the body. The body then goes through what is referred to as righting reflex.

This keeps the eyes aligned evenly with the horizon line. If the body has to compensate for this process, it can lead to dysfunction of the ears, the balance of the body, and a number of other problems leading to low back pain.

What happens within the body when the spine is out of alignment?Consider the following:

Consider the following:

  • The top bones of the neck are the center of control for the body to communicate with the brain via the spinal cord and brainstem.
  • Pressure sensors found in the upper neck are hindered from allowing messages to and from the body and brain.
  • Balance is impacted because the brainstem is unable to send messages to the ears through the cranial nerves.
  • Cerebral spinal fluid flow and blood flow are slowed down due to the pressure that is being exerted on the brainstem.

How Chiropractic Care Helps with Lower Back Pain

Once the misalignment of the upper neck is identified, we can begin to correct the problem using scientific measures and the latest advances in technology.

Our patients who come to us with back pain often report a decrease in symptoms and generally feel happier and healthier after receiving treatment.

Chiropractic therapy is a successful natural option for back pain sufferers.  Traditional health care generally prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication to reduce the symptoms.

But at what cost? The primary goal of Chiropractic care is to allow the body to heal itself by removing interference to normal function.

The primary goal of Chiropractic care is to allow the body to heal itself by removing interference to normal function.

If muscles in the low back are chronically painful and tight we should be asking the question, why?In many cases, chronically tight muscles in the low back are in response to nerve irritation in the upper neck.

In many cases, chronically tight muscles in the low back are in response to nerve irritation in the upper neck.

Our Atlanta Chiropractors are specially trained to detect and correct this problem.

Call us today at (404) 889-8828 to schedule a consultation.


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