For those who have had a colicky baby, you know firsthand how hard it can be for your new little one as well as yourself not knowing what to do for them. As your little one suffers from discomfort, sleep for not only the child but for you decreases drastically.
Our Atlanta chiropractors are not only skilled in healing aches in pains in adults but children, as well. In your time of need, let our skilled experts help you and your child through a trying time.
What is Colic?
When a child has colic, they will cry for an unknown reason for at least three hours a day for three weeks or more. Around two to three weeks after birth, colic can present itself, and both boys and girls are just as likely to develop this condition. Colic is typically resolved within the first few months on its own, but untreated can leave your child and yourself uneasy during that time.
How Is Colic Diagnosed?
Colic is diagnosed by continuous crying over long periods. Other signs to look for are if your baby clenches their first, lifts their legs to the stomach, or extends arms and legs while crying. If your baby begins vomiting, having bouts of diarrhea, or begins to lose weight, contact your doctor right away as those symptoms may be a sign of other conditions. Colicky babies continue to develop and grow at average rates and do not suffer from significant developmental issues.
Natural Treatment For Colic
Colic is a common condition, and if you ask any mother or pediatrician, they will be glad to offer any advice on what worked for their baby or what did not. If those effective options do not prove successful, seeking chiropractic care for your little one should be your next step. During childbirth, your child could have developed a misaligned vertebra, which could be the cause of their consistent crying. Having a misaligned spine or neck to a baby can lead to discomfort.
Irritation in the neck and spine can occur as a result of a misaligned spine. When this misalignment occurs, digestive issues can surface, causing colic symptoms. Some may be concerned with having adjustments done on babies, but they do not look the same as adult manipulations. Gentle pressure is applied to targeted areas, and corrections are made.
The good news with this form of treatment is that parents report that their child shows signs of relief, and the amount of crying and discomfort is significantly reduced. When treating the misalignment, the underlying cause is identified, and symptoms begin to decrease.
At our Atlanta chiropractic clinic, our knowledgeable and compassionate doctors are ready to help decrease the discomfort in your little one and allow for baby and parents to enjoy this precious time truly. Contact us today at (404) 889-8828 to schedule an appointment!