Making Healthier Choices with AICA Atlanta

Sep 11, 2019

Making Healthier Choices | AICA AtlantaAs summer is winding down, families are getting back into their routines of school, work, and the hustle and bustle of after school activities.

As October grows closer, it is a nice reminder for those busy families to slow down a bit and remember that October is National Eat Better, Eat Together Month. There is nothing more important than committing to sitting down at the table surrounded by your family for at least one meal a day.

Benefits of Eating Together

Eating together may be challenging since schedules may be conflicting. However, there are some great benefits to gathering around the table together!

Do you want your children to eat more fruits and veggies? Is joint health important to you? Studies have shown that children who eat at the table with their parents are more likely to eat their fruits and vegetables! Also, some reports also state that children are less likely to consume unhealthy foods and soda if they sit down at the table with their family on a regular basis.

Portion control is a struggle for many Americans, especially when families are eating out at fast-food restaurants as they are at risk for consuming 60 percent more calories than they would have if they were to eat at home.

How to Make It Happen

With everyone going in different directions, how can this be done? Here are some tips to help get you on track for success!

It would be great to be able to eat every meal with your family but sometimes that just can’t happen. So, plan for meal a night and stick to it!

Although it might seem time-consuming and tedious at first, meal prepping can save you a lot of time and help keep you organized. The fun part with meal prepping is that you can involve the whole family and begin teaching your children how and what to incorporate into your healthy meals.

Forget Cooking! Who says every night you have to cook dinner? What about just eating vegetables, fruit and whole-grain bread and crackers with cheese? Not having to cook and eating great foods, now that sounds like a win!

Remember, not every night will be a success, however, putting in the effort and showing your children you want to be there will go a long way. Be present at the table and make sure you are checked in and paying attention to the things going on around you. Teaching your children about healthy eating start with you, so pull up a chair and start the conversation.

Call Us Today For More Healthy Eating Tips!

If you are looking for ways to incorporate healthy eating into your lifestyle, contact our Atlanta chiropractors today for more information! Dial (404) 889-8828 today!


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