Many people throughout the greater Atlanta region experience some kind of aches or pain each day that they try to ignore. Pain is a signal that suggests something is not quite right within your system. Although there are many different types of pain, neck pain in particular can create a tremendous amount of stress and prevent patients from performing basic tasks.
Usually caused by muscle strain, neck pain is often treated with a few light stretches and a couple of over-the-counter painkillers. However, if your neck pain is connected to other symptoms, you should contact a chiropractor right away. Here’s why.
Sources and Symptoms
- Car Accidents: If you are involved in a car accident, the chances of sustaining whiplash injury are high due to how sensitive the tendons and ligaments that surround your neck are. When your body is exposed to sudden impact that causes your head and neck to lunge in multiple directions simultaneously, the tends around your neck stretch beyond their limits and tear. This causes cervical acceleration/deceleration trauma and should be addressed by an experienced chiropractor right away.
- Neck Pain and The Presence of Vomiting and Stiffness: If you are experiencing neck pain and are vomiting often, you may have meningitis. If you attempt to touch your chin to your chest and become tired, confused, or are suddenly sensitive to bight lights, contact a doctor for immediate treatment.
- Neck Pain and Tingling Sensations: If you experience neck pain in tandem with tingling sensations that derive from your finger tips, you may have a herniated disc. The pressure that’s applied to a nerve root is caused by the narrowing of the spinal cord canal, which can be relieved with a manual adjustment.
Chiropractic Treatment For Neck Pain
The Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta specialize in treating musculoskeletal conditions like back and neck pain. We know how to diagnose conditions using state-of-the-art imaging devices, along with a series of manual techniques that help locate the source of someone’s pain. All of our treatment solutions are free of adverse side effects and help stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Most of the patients who visit our office for neck pain experience immediate relief after receiving an adjustment, while others require a series of sessions before they completely recover. Whatever your health needs are, we can accommodate. Find out more about our services and approach to treating neck pain by scheduling a free consultation today. Just contact our Atlanta Chiropractors online or call our office by dialing (404) 889-8828.