The Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) has reported the leading cause for all non-fatal injuries for those over the age of 65 are due to falls. As individuals grow older, their risk of injury increases as does the severity of the damage caused due to the fall. Prevention is key to avoiding these type of debilitating injuries.
Risk Factors
As age increases, so do the risks of falling. Risk factors can be divided into two different groups, personal and medical. On a personal level, a person’s age, their level of physical activity and the foods in which they eat can ultimately determine their risk of injury in a fall. If a patient is less active and eats poorly, the injuries they sustain may be more intense.
From a medical standpoint, if a person does not have optimal bone health, and proper balance and coordination they may also be at a greater risk. If a patient has neurological conditions such as imbalances in blood pressure, vision or hearing trouble, falls can occur more easily. Conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis coupled with other risk factors can be a recipe for disaster for those patients at risk for falling.
Understanding these risk factors are critical when developing a plan to mitigate the possibility and damage sustained from a fall.
Get Active!
The best prevention medicine is to get up and get moving. Although this may sound counterproductive, the truth is the stronger your body is the less likely you will sustain serious injuries in the event that you do experience fall. Exercise will not only strengthen your body but will improve balance and coordination which will help in minimizing the risk of a fall in the first place. For those patients who already suffer from osteoporosis, building up your strength can increase bone strength and decrease the risk of severe injury.
If you are unsure of what exercises may right for you due to your age, contact your physician to learn what is best for you!
Become Mindful Of What You Put On Your Feet
One easy place to start in minimizing your risks are by becoming mindful of what you place on your feet. Wearing heels may cause you to become unbalanced so trading in those high heels for flats may mean all the difference. If slippers have worn themselves out, don’t wear them as they can cause you to trip as the tread has become non-existent. If you are unsure about what shoes to wear to keep you safe, speak with your doctor as they can recommend what shoes will be best to help prevent a fall but also provide you with the support you need for your knees and hips.
Even with the best prevention measures, falls can sometimes occur. Patients can suffer with widespread pain and if left untreated can just become worse. Working with our Atlanta chiropractors can allow for the patient who has sustained injuries from a fall get to the point where there pain can become manageable or even non-existent. Call us today for a consultation at (404) 889-8828.