Lose Weight, Feel Better, and Increase Your Energy Through Exercise

Mar 8, 2019

Are you looking for a way to lose weight, improve your mood and increase your energy? Exercise is your answer!

Americans Do Not Get Enough Exercise

Unfortunately, nearly 80 percent of American adults do not get the adequate amount of exercise according to the CDC and the National Institute of Health. It’s hard to get started because many don’t know where to begin and what is best for them to do. Our Atlanta chiropractors have compiled a list of aerobic and strength training exercises to help jump start your routine and get you moving in the right direction.


Looking for a workout that burns calories for up to 24 hours? HIIT, or high intensity interval training is the way to go! This exercise routine allows your body the movement it needs by jump starting muscles in an intense burst of activity followed by longer time of lower activity levels. When doing HIIT, your heart strengthens and your endurance increases as your body adapts to the quick, high intensity workout followed by periods of the lower activity.


When starting out, running may be challenging but even a daily five to ten minute run can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Some of the many benefits of running include, better lung function, improved heart health as well as lower cholesterol.

AICA Atlanta tip: When implementing running into your workout, start out slow by walking and then gradually increase your speed!

How to get up and move!

Free weights- when using free weights you are able to target those troubling areas and larger muscle groups while protecting joints and increasing your lifespan.

AICA Atlanta tip: Find a friend or an experienced weight lifter to show you how to properly use weights or give us a call to help get you started!


If you are looking for a stress management tool, yoga is the way to go. Yoga is becoming a common exercise regimen as nearly 36 million people have tried this invigorating routine. There are many different kinds of yoga so finding one to fit your needs shouldn’t be too tricky!

Getting up and moving is essential in living your best and healthy life. With many different ways to exercise, there is one out there for you that best fits your lifestyle! Contact us today at AICA Atlanta at (404) 889-8828 so we can help guide you in finding the best method to get you moving!


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