Chiropractic | Dec 6, 2016

Avoid Getting Sick During The Holidays By Supporting A Healthy Immune System

Winter is right around the corner and with it comes cold and flu season. You may think seeing your Chiropractor doesn’t have much to do with getting a cold or contracting the flu, but this isn’t the case! When the cold weather hits, your Chiropractor is an excellent resource for…

Health & Wellness | Dec 5, 2016

3 Reasons To Visit an Atlanta Chiropractor This Holiday Season

The holiday season tends to serve as a time of reflection for many families throughout the greater Atlanta community. It is also a time where many people become overwhelmed with everything going on and overlook their personal needs. Putting other people ahead of your can be admirable, but when it…

Health & Wellness | Dec 2, 2016

Atlanta Chiropractic Care for Holiday Stress Relief

With the holidays upon us, the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta are offering some tips for how Chiropractic care can help make this time of the year less stressful. Anxiety and stress negatively affect the spine, which can cause some uncomfortable symptoms that includes: Muscular tension Migraines Neck pain Back pain Headaches

Health & Wellness | Dec 1, 2016

Atlanta Chiropractic Care for Crohn’s Disease

The first week of December is recognized as National Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week. According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, over 1.4 million Americans suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, which causes severe inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract. Although most people who suffer from Crohn's disease…

Diabetes | Nov 28, 2016

If You Have Type 2 Diabetes, Avoid Diet Soda

You may have heard that diet soda is not good for your health, but do you know why? If you have type 2 diabetes, consider the following information the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta have learned regarding the dangers of artificial sweeteners. Type 2 Diabetes and Diet Soda Both diet and non-diet…

Health & Wellness | Nov 24, 2016

Holiday Stress Management and Winter Weight Loss Tips

If you are looking for easy ways to incorporate new healthy habits into your life, the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta recommend walking more often. Walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise and is completely safe for everyone, regardless of age or medical history. The National Institutes of Health…

Diabetes | Nov 23, 2016

If You Have Type 2 Diabetes, Avoid Fat- Foods

Recent information has changed general attitudes toward consuming reduced-fate, low-fat, and other fat- foods. These types of food often replace healthy fats with processed sugars, salts, and refined carbohydrates, which all dramatically affect how type 2 diabetics feel and function. When you consume the ingredients and chemicals that are found in…

Chiropractic | Nov 22, 2016

How Subluxations Form and What Chiropractic Can Do For You

Subluxations are misalignments that develop within one or more of your vertebrae and hinder nerve circulation. In fact, subluxations prevent critical information from transferring to your brain through your spinal cord, which affects your body's ability to function correctly. The Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta treat subluxations on a daily basis and…

Chiropractic | Nov 21, 2016

6 Healthy Heart Tips from the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta

Heart disease tops the list for the leading cause of death in the United States. Without a doubt, this statistic is alarming, but there are many things you can do improve your heart health and lessen your chances of disease—starting today. Chiropractic Care Supports A Healthy Heart If you are…

Health & Wellness | Nov 17, 2016

Atlanta Chiropractic Care: How to Use Positive Stress to Your Advantage

In order to help you get through the holidays without becoming overwhelmed or stressed out, the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta are here to show you how to use positive stress to your advantage. At first glimpse, healthy stress may seem like an oxymoron—but it’s true, stress can be good for you…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Nov 16, 2016

Support Your Immune System’s Health by Avoiding These Triggers

It can be difficult to keep your immune system in tip-top shape, and winter months and cold and flu season put it to the real test. While eating a healthy diet, exercising often and getting regular chiropractic adjustments all help, there’s, even more; you can do. The Chiropractors at AICA…

Health & Wellness | Nov 15, 2016

AICA Atlanta’s Chiropractors Answer: How Much Sleep Do You Need?

The Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta have no doubt that you have experienced an afternoon energy crash, uncontrollable yawning or the simple desire to close your eyes and rest. It may be hard to remain alerted, but it’s even tougher to decipher the information we receive about sleep, the best way to…

Health & Wellness | Nov 14, 2016

Improve Your Spinal Health For A Better Night’s Sleep

If you suffer from insomnia or are restless throughout the night, you know how awful it can be trying to make it through the next day. According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than 50 percent of American experience some sleep disorder, making it almost impossible to perform at peak levels…

Diabetes | Nov 10, 2016

When It Comes To Diabetes and Chiropractic, There’s No Sugar Coating The Evidence

Sugar tastes amazing. However, the more AICA Atlanta's Chiropractors learn about the health effects of sugar, the more we understand why it's important to avoid it, especially if you have Diabetes.

Health & Wellness | Nov 9, 2016

AICA Altanta’s Chiropractors Can Help You Avoid Stress This Holiday Season

Stress is an unfortunate part of living in the modern world. For those who live throughout Atlanta, you know first hand just how stressful things can get during the winter holiday season. Between being stuck in traffic for hours at a time and dealing with other holiday shoppers, it's easy…

Diabetes | Nov 8, 2016

Chiropractic Care for Diabetic Patients Near Atlanta

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta are continuing to spread this great message! Diabetes is a serious health condition that affects over 100 million Americans. Most patients develop a particular type of diabetes in their childhood (referred to as juvenile diabetes) or as an…

Health & Wellness | Nov 7, 2016

Reduce Holiday Stress In Order To Improve Personal Health

The holiday season comes with a variety of amazing things including family, friends, extravagant parties, and fantastic food! However, the holidays can also be extremely stressful and overwhelming depending on the type of commitments you have. Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress Instead of adding stress to your body and potentially…

Health & Wellness | Nov 4, 2016

Avoid The Flu with AICA Atlanta’s Chiropractic Recommendations

The cold and flu season is upon us and the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta are here to offer advice on what steps you can take to prevent getting sick. Cold & Flu Prevention Research shows a direct correlation between the nervous and immune systems, which are both supported with regular…

Diabetes | Nov 3, 2016

How Chiropractic Helps: Diabetes Prevention & Management

Between 1995 and 2010, eighteen individual states witnessed a 100 percent or higher increase in people who were diagnosed with diabetes! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 3 adults within the United States will have diabetes by 2050 if things don't change. Since November…

Diabetes | Nov 2, 2016

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and the Chiropractors at AICA Atlanta want to offer some valuable advice on how to prevent and control type 2 diabetes. Type 1 & 2 Diabetes There are two types of diabetes people suffer from. The first type prevents patients from naturally controlling their…

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