Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Apr 22, 2013

Five Guidelines for Reducing Workplace Trips, Slips and Falls In Atlanta

According to information released by the U.S. Department of Labor, falls, trips, and slips make up most of the accidents in general industry. This accounts for about 25% of all work injury claims reported each fiscal year and 15% of all deaths ruled as accidental each year. In order to…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Apr 16, 2013

Helpful Tips for Preventing Backyard Trampoline Injuries In Atlanta

Backyard trampolines are a fun way for kids to get exercise, but they are also a major cause of accidents and injuries in children. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Review, in 2006 alone there were almost 110,000 reported trampoline injuries in the United States. While chiropractors in Atlanta…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Apr 11, 2013

Broken Collarbone Treatment and Care For Car Accident Victims In Atlanta

A broken collarbone or clavicle is common in certain types of auto accidents. The collarbones are found on each side of the chest, and they are attached to the shoulders and breastbone by ligaments. Most commonly, these bones will break in car accidents when the upper body suffers trauma in…

Chiropractic | Mar 25, 2013

The Relationship between Chiropractic and Massage Therapy

Neck pain, headaches, and back pain are some of the distressing and painful conditions that affect us at some point in our lives. Many patients have been turning to a combined treatment plan of chiropractic care and massage therapy in order to provide a powerful approach to address this pain.…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Mar 18, 2013

Do You Need an Attorney to File for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Filing for workers’ compensation benefits can be a confusing and stressful process. You may be wondering whether or not you need to get an attorney involved in the process. The answer is that a number of factors can determine whether or not you need legal representation, and knowing what situations…

Accident Prevention | Mar 11, 2013

Safety Tips for Bikers Riding Through Atlanta

Whether you’re driving a car or a motorcycle, when you’re on the road, safety should be your first priority. The reality is that, no matter how safe you are, accidents sometimes still happen. However, learning about safety and motorcycle accident prevention in Atlanta can drastically limit the chance of your…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Mar 4, 2013

The Most Dangerous Intersections in Atlanta

The state of Georgia experiences an auto accident every 2.8 minutes. For those of you who have driven the streets of Atlanta and the surrounding areas, this information may not surprise you. The city of Atlanta is the home of some of the most dangerous intersections in the state. Additionally,…

Accident Prevention | Feb 26, 2013

Bad Tires Responsible For Deadly Car Accident

When was the last time you checked your tires for wear? Many people are currently driving a car on tires with very little tread. Tire tread are the grooves in the tire rubber that makes them grip the ground. Tire tread is most important when driving in rain, snow and…

Chiropractic, Lower Back Pain | Feb 19, 2013

Relieving Sciatica Pain with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors regularly treat sciatica as they are able to both evaluate and diagnose the condition while determining the root cause and developing an effective treatment plan. Our Chiropractic care will treat discomfort associated with spinal misalignment, which is generally the cause of sciatica pain. Sciatica Pain Causes Sciatica pain is…

Accident Prevention | Feb 11, 2013

Driving In The Rain: Tips Everyone Should Know

Driving in rainy weather is dangerous and requires specific techniques. More accidents occur during bad weather than only sunny days. This is obvious, but what isn’t obvious to most drivers is the importance of learning specific tricks and techniques for driving in the rain. The same emergency braking and obstacle…

Chiropractic, Lower Back Pain | Feb 5, 2013

Chiropractic Treatment During Pregnancy

More women are choosing chiropractic care and adjustments to help have smoother pregnancies. Chiropractors can help to provide therapeutic stretches and exercises to expectant mothers, and they can provide alignments that can reduce muscle tension and pain. Chiropractic adjustments can also relieve lower back pain that often affects many pregnant women.…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Jan 25, 2013

Applying for Social Security Disability after an Accident In Atlanta

Accident recovery is often a scary and stressful time. Depending on your injury, you may have a long recovery process, and your income during this time period may be limited if you are unable to return to work. While considering your options during this time, you may be interested in…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Jan 15, 2013

Chiropractic Treatment For Neck Pain

The neck endures more stress than most people realize, the necks flexible range of motion as well as its role of carrying your 13lb head, and being mostly bone and cartilage with very little muscle makes the neck one of the easiest parts of the body to injure. Everything is…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Jan 7, 2013

Avoid High Medical Bills

Typical injuries that can easily be treated by a chiropractor are muscle strain, ankle sprains, soft tissue injuries, and back injuries. All of the previous injuries can be diagnosed and treated by a chiropractor, and you don’t have to worry about a huge medical bill. Perhaps the key to lowering…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Jan 5, 2013

How Chiropractors Can Help Car Accident Victims In Atlanta

The goal of chiropractic and treating include: Relieve pain Readjust the neck and spine Prevent life time chronic pain from car accidents Promote healthy recovery. Treat soft tissue injuries. Chiropractic Care The human body is quite resilient: it is able to fight off infectious diseases, it can heal from a…

Accident Prevention, General | Dec 28, 2012

Graduated Driver’s License Laws Protect Teen Drivers

Many states have finally realized that simply passing a driver's license exam is not enough to prove that teenage drivers are ready to venture onto public roads. It is odd that society hands over 100 mph death machines to our children, and that we are shocked that the leading cause…

Accident Prevention, General | Dec 14, 2012

The Leading Cause of Death For Teens

The most common cause of death for teenagers are car accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that 9 teenagers die everyday from car accident injuries. Teen drivers are also 4 times more likely to be involved in a car accident than an adult over the age of…

Accident Prevention, General | Dec 7, 2012

Learn Skills That Can Save Your Life

In 2012 there were an average of 16,934 car accidents per day, and an average of 115 deaths per day due to motor vehicle accidents in Atlanta and the US. Driving is risky business and at any moment you are a decision away from causing harm to yourself or others.…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Dec 2, 2012

Treatment Process After A Car Accident In Atlanta

Car accidents can cause your neck and spine to become misaligned. The biggest concern with car accidents is that a lot of injuries, especially whiplash, do not appear immediately after an accident. Often times a person will find that several weeks after the accident they are experiencing headaches, back aches and…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Nov 23, 2012

Teen Drivers & The Danger They Pose

It is no shock that teenage drivers are the cause of most car accidents. Teen drivers are such a problem that many states have placed severe restrictions on teen driving. In certain states, teens are not allowed to have passengers under the age of 21, they aren't allowed to drive…

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