Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Apr 28, 2015

The Long Term Health Effects of Whiplash When Untreated

The long-term health effects of Whiplash when untreated by a Chiropractor in Atlanta are numerous. Certainly getting the right help quickly is going to be the best remedy for avoiding further complications. These adverse effects are going to vary depending on the damage that was done.

Chiropractic | Apr 21, 2015

I Just Got Into a Car Accident in Atlanta, What Should I Do Now?

Traffic in Atlanta is notoriously awful, and accidents are very common, so it’s important to know what steps you should take before a fender-bender, or worse, happens. Receiving Chiropractic treatment for auto accident injuries is stressful enough without having to ask, “I just got into a car crash in Atlanta, what…

Chiropractic, Lower Back Pain | Apr 15, 2015

What is the Graston Technique? Understanding More About Common Chiropractic Procedures For Patients In Atlanta

For Chiropractic patients in Atlanta, the Graston Technique is a very simple manual Chiropractic therapy that AICA uses to stimulate the healing of soft tissue. After an auto accident, sports injury or pain from overuse that inhibits movement, you may experience strain, pain, and constraint in different muscles, ligaments or…

Chiropractic | Apr 14, 2015

How Professionals In Atlanta Can Maintain Good Posture at Work To Prevent Chronic Back Pain

Quickly, think about how you’re sitting. Are you hunched over? Are your legs crossed? If you said yes to either of those, it’s okay, we all do it, even though we know we shouldn’t. For many of us, a day at work means sitting or standing for many hours at…

Chiropractic | Apr 7, 2015

Treating Arthritis with Chiropractic Care in Atlanta

One in five adults has arthritis. When you want an arthritis treatment Chiropractor in Atlanta, you should read this blog. Maybe you’re dealing with rheumatoid arthritis, which is a genetic condition that affects millions of Americans. It occurs in healthy people, even children - upwards of 1 out of every…

Chiropractic, Health & Wellness | Apr 3, 2015

Atlanta Allergy Treatment with Chiropractic Care

Now that spring is official; you’re probably starting to think about how you can obtain complete allergy relief treatment in Atlanta. That’s because in our neck of the woods, where we have a lot of healthy people (in the 1st world) those who are hit with allergies is quite high. Figure…

Chiropractic | Mar 27, 2015

Treatment For Pinched Nerves and How Residents In Atlanta Can Use Chiropractic Procedures To Relieve Pain

If you are suffering from pinched nerves because of a personal injury or car accident, it's important to understand how seeing a Chiropractor in Atlanta can help relieve you of your pain instantly. Your nerves are on a journey from your brain down your spinal cord out to the far…

Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Mar 25, 2015

Ways Residents In Atlanta Can Improve Their Balance and Coordination

When residents in Atlanta are looking for ways that they can improve their balance and coordination to prevent chronic back pain, the first advice is just to think about it. When you don’t think about your balance and coordination, you’ll be missing a vital component of how you work, and…

Chiropractic | Feb 19, 2015

Treatment for Residents In Altanta Suffering From Arthritic Knees

When you’re looking for Atlanta Chiropractic care for knee pain, here is a list of the information that you should be aware of. Knee joints inflamed, painful and swollen or stiff, may indicate that you’re suffering from arthritis. The disease can affect any of the joints of the body, which…

Chiropractic | Feb 18, 2015

Treating Asthma with Chiropractic

When you’re looking for Atlanta asthma treatment, you don’t have to rely on common medical procedures that force you to take drugs. What’s wrong with drugs? Nothing per se. But in our post-modern, chemical model of medicine pushed by the giant pharmaceutical machine, we’re not getting all of our needs…

Chiropractic | Feb 12, 2015

Chiropractic Appointment Don’ts For Residents In Atlanta, GA

If you’re wondering what to expect at a Chiropractor in Atlanta, the good news is that you’ve found the right city. Next door in Marietta is Life University, the home of one of the nation’s leading schools for training doctors of Chiropractic, which makes Atlanta the happy beneficiary of tremendous…

Chiropractic | Feb 5, 2015

How Chiropractic Patients In Atlanta Can Better Understand Their Bill

Everyone knows that when you go to the doctor you’ll have a bill. Whether that’s covered by the insurance company or your own purse strings, you’re going to owe something that someone, somewhere, will have to pay. The same is true for chiropractic care. The good news is that in…

Chiropractic | Jan 26, 2015

Chiropractic Care and Weight Loss

There are numerous benefits to seeing a chiropractor. What you may not have known is the entire range of issues that your chiropractor can help you with, including weight loss. Especially if you’re not thrilled with treatments, diet fads, pills and invasive procedures, then the chiropractic weight loss option is…

Chiropractic | Jan 13, 2015

Carpal Tunnel Treatment

Running across the palm of the hand into the wrist and forearm lies the median nerve. The nerve provides sensation for your inner palm, and is protected by the hard tunnel made of bone and tendons known as the carpal tunnel. When the tendons making up the carpal tunnel become…

Chiropractic, Health & Wellness | Jan 6, 2015

2015 Health Tips

The New Year is here, and that means you have the opportunity to renew your health vows - to yourself. Of course, the problem is, that’s hard to do! Habits are the hardest thing to make. Consider that to make a new habit, it may take you a month of…

Chiropractic | Dec 18, 2014

Ways to Deal With Holiday Stress

You don’t have to let stress take hold of you and your holiday. Follow these six ways to deal with holiday stress and enjoy the season ahead of you. 1) Stretch Holiday shopping, while enjoyable, can take a lot out of you. Make sure you stretch when you start your…

Chiropractic, Lower Back Pain | Dec 17, 2014

The Activator Technique: What It Means and How It Can Help Chiropractic Patients Living In Atlanta, GA

Activator Technique There are different types of chiropractic adjustments, many of which involve unaided physical intervention by the chiropractor. By using hands and arms to effect holds, bends, or a quick thrust, chiropractors can adjust the position of vertebrae and joints in the body. In this way a chiropractor can…

Accident Recovery, Lower Back Pain | Dec 10, 2014

Three Things To Know About Stretching In Between Visits To The Chiropractor In Atlanta

It’s pretty easy to take your back to the chiropractor. What may be harder to figure out is what to do once you’ve left the doctor's office and are at home. For those who are suffering with lower back pain and need to visit a chiropractor on a regular basis,…

Health & Wellness | Nov 19, 2014

Does Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care For Patients In Atlanta?

You may be wondering whether chiropractic care is covered by your insurance. To know absolutely, first ask your chiropractor. Make sure that you ask whether the services being offered to you are specifically covered. Most insurance and major medical plans will compensate for chiropractic care. These include: Medicare, certain Medicaid…

Chiropractic | Nov 13, 2014

How Patients In Atlanta Can Help Treat Scoliosis With Chiropractic Care

Scoliosis comes in many shapes and severities and can affect you in different ways.  Some cases are smaller and don’t need much treatment aside from observation, while others grow to the point of causing you pain. Scoliosis is the official term of the unnatural curving of your spine.  Your spine…

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